Compliance Management System

As part of the implementation of our compliance strategy, we have set up a comprehensive Compliance Management System (CMS) within Netzkontor to ensure ethical as well as legally compliant behavior by all Netzkontor companies. The CMS also serves to prevent and avoid violations.

Within our CMS, we have in particular created a separate organizational compliance structure for Netzkontor. The Compliance Officer and the Compliance Management Team (CMT) of Netzkontor are responsible for the implementation and monitoring of our CMS. They are available to all employees, executives, managing directors of the respective companies of Netzkontor as well as the respective business partners (customers and suppliers, etc.) at any time by e-mail (functional mailbox: for all questions in connection with compliance issues.

Essential obligations, guidelines and values for the legally compliant actions of Netzkontor are derived from our Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct consists of a large number of compliance provisions and behavioral guidelines. Furthermore, Netzkontor has implemented internal processes for risk analysis and for effective monitoring of our CMS.

An essential element of the CMS of Netzkontor is also the establishment of a web-based internal whistleblowing system (confidential reporting office), which can be reached via the following link: Whistleblowing system ( []. All employees of Netzkontor companies and their business partners (customers and suppliers, etc.) have the opportunity to report violations of laws, the Code of Conduct and other compliance regulations - also completely anonymously. Corresponding reports can also be submitted by e-mail or letter.

Via the confidential reporting office, persons can also anonymously report violations of human rights-related or environmental obligations or corresponding risks that have arisen as a result of the economic actions of a Netzkontor company or a supplier (complaints procedure).

Below you will find the applicable Code of Conduct as well as the Rules of Procedure for Netzkontor's whistleblower system ("Whistleblower Policy"), which also includes the Rules of Procedure for the implementation of the complaint procedure pursuant to the German Supply Chain Duty of Care Act (Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz).